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In a week of intense agendas, BRICS Sherpas will discuss Brazilian Presidency priorities
24 de fev de 2025 às 08:57
BRICS Sherpas and Working Groups meetings will advance the agenda proposed by the Brazilian Presidency, focusing on Global South cooperation, energy transition, food safety, and innovation in education.
BRICS discusses impacts of AI and climate change on the labor market during Employment WG meeting
26 de fev de 2025 às 10:30
Virtual meeting led by Brasil promotes international cooperation to address technological and environmental challenges, with focus on decent work and fair transition.
Employment and Agriculture agendas inaugurate BRICS Brasil meetings this week
10 de fev de 2025 às 18:32
With six new countries participating as full members, the Employment meeting scheduled for Wednesday (12) will inaugurate the group’s meeting cycle.
BRICS meeting debates impacts of Artificial Intelligence on workers
13 de fev de 2025 às 18:16
Artificial Intelligence (AI), workers, particularly the elderly and women, and the future of employment were discussed during the BRICS technical meeting. The new technology is not a monster, but this new reality requires investment in worker training.
Press Conference - 2nd Meeting of the Employment Working Group
28 de fev de 2025 às 15:58
In a press conference, Maíra Lacerda, head of the Special Advisory for International Affairs at the Ministry of Labor and Employment (MTE), shares what was discussed at the 2nd Meeting of the BRICS Employment Working Group.