Areas of Cooperation
The BRICS partnership is based on three pillars of cooperation: political and security, economic and financial and cultural and people-to-people exchanges.
According to the BRICS Terms of Reference, the BRICS partnership is based on three pillars of cooperation:
political and security,
economic and financial and cultural
and people-to-people exchanges.
Over the last 19 years, the group's agenda has expanded considerably in terms of scope and complexity, covering almost all the main issues on the international agenda. This evolution is particularly evident in the growing importance given to issues such as the environment, energy, science and technology, health and the inclusion of more civil society actors in the debate.
For a better understanding - although BRICS is based on three basic pillars - cooperation issues will be divided into six major areas, listed below:
Politics and Security
In the political and security sphere, the Brazilian presidency of BRICS will focus on promoting multilateralism towards increasing the efficiency of global governance — including reforming the UN Security Council; confronting and preventing conflicts and humanitarian disasters; and strengthening cooperation to combat terrorism and corruption.
The work agenda will include discussions on enhancing the capacity to combat terrorism and building capabilities to counter violent extremism leading to terrorism—a multifaceted issue that requires the sharing of best practices.
Regarding the fight against corruption, the Brazilian presidency will promote discussions on the challenges related to corruption and asset recovery, as well as the connection between anti-corruption efforts and sustainable development; the effectiveness of asset recovery mechanisms; integrity in both the public and private sectors to improve governance; and the use and sharing of best practices in applying Artificial Intelligence to combat corruption and promote greater accountability, transparency, and monitoring in anti-corruption efforts.
Finance, Economy and Trade
On the one hand, the field of Finance, Economy and Trade encompasses various actions and initiatives for cooperation between the BRICS countries - and, on the other, concertation to increase the representation of the member countries, and the Global South more broadly, in the world economic order. The group was created to ensure that the participation of the major emerging economies in international financial institutions reflected their relative weight in the global economy. BRICS also works to strengthen the multilateral trading system, with special attention to the needs of developing countries
One of the major challenges is to increase intra-BRICS trade and investment flows, with a view to greater balance in member countries’ participation in the world economy. To this end, the Brazilian presidency’s priorities include several issues aimed at facilitating economic transactions between bloc countries, such as the use of local currencies; the development of international payment platforms; cooperation in government procurement; and the promotion of trade facilitation measures, among others.
Also in the financial field, the Brazilian presidency will work towards cooperation in the area of sustainable finance, with a view to expanding financing channels for the energy and climate transitions in member countries. Efforts towards convergence in sustainable taxonomies and innovative financial mechanisms are relevant elements of this agenda.
In the economic field, BRICS has counted on the Partnership for the New Industrial Revolution (PartNIR) since 2021. Through this partnership, initiatives towards the digital transformation of industry; the promotion of bioindustry; and the support to greater participation of small and medium-sized companies in international trade will all be developed. The Brazilian presidency will also devote special attention to the adoption of the 2030 Strategy for the BRICS Economic Partnership.
Sustainable Development and Climate Change
In the context of Sustainable Development and Climate Change, the Brazilian presidency of BRICS will endeavor to promote debates that contribute to the participation of BRICS countries in COP30, especially with regard to climate finance. We will develop initiatives against the backdrop of the pressing need to intensify global efforts to contain global warming to the critical limit of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels
In addition to the climate and environment agenda, the Brazilian Presidency will continue to advance its activities related to natural disaster management, focusing on strengthening the resilience of communities through capacity building and resilient infrastructure. Likewise, special attention will be paid to efforts towards the energy transition, based on the group's updated work plan for energy cooperation and the discussion around new sustainable fuels.
Discussions on infrastructure will be held against the backdrop of efforts to contain climate change, including topics such as sustainable and resilient infrastructure; community-based early warning systems (CBEWS); decarbonization of ports and maritime transport; development of sustainable aviation fuels (SAF); international logistics; air connectivity; and sustainable urban mobility.
Science, Technology and Innovation
In the field of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI), the Brazilian presidency will highlight Artificial Intelligence (AI) in its most diverse aspects, from governance to this new technology’s technical aspects. Cooperation in STI will be guided by the search for guarantees that technological advances, especially in the field of AI, may benefit all countries in an equitable manner, particularly developing countries, defending respect for human rights, the protection of personal data, and the integrity of information.
The Brazilian presidency is committed to strengthening dialogue to explore the potential of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), addressing issues such as disinformation, digital security, and inequality in access to technologies. Practical initiatives — such as the creation of collaboration networks between cybersecurity agencies and academic exchange — will strive to strengthen security in the use of ICTs and allow countries to advance in a coordinated manner.
Promoting industrial innovation is another priority for the Brazilian presidency, with a focus on strengthening collaboration between universities, companies and technology parks, as well as technology transfer strategies. Another crucial point will be cooperation on the exploration and peaceful use of space, promoting collaboration between space agencies, private companies and other sectors.
Human and Social Development
In the field of Human and Social Development, BRICS cooperation will encompass several initiatives to promote equality, justice and social inclusion, towards strengthening the fight against global inequalities and to reinforce the call for collective action. The areas of health, education, youth, women, tourism, sports and culture will be highlighted.
A fundamental pillar of sustainable human and social development, health cooperation between the BRICS countries will prioritize the promotion of equity in health, especially in access to treatment, diagnosis and vaccination - and in the development of emerging health technologies. With the aim of creating inclusive capacities and structures, which are fundamental for promoting and achieving universal health coverage, topics such as: infrastructure for specialized care in remote regions; eliminating socially determined diseases and infections; strengthening BRICS Public Health Institutes; collaboration in combating public health emergencies and disasters; strengthening the BRICS Vaccine Research and Development Center; and sharing good practices in artificial intelligence and data governance applied to health.
In a unique position to lead by example, promoting equity, resilience and innovation, BRICS countries will address cooperation in education through discussion and knowledge sharing around the ethical use of artificial intelligence, the harmonization of assessment systems, and the mutual recognition of qualifications, as well as initiatives in technical and professional education.
The agenda of the Brazilian presidency includes activities aimed at youth, recognized as protagonists in human development and fundamental to building a more inclusive and sustainable future. BRICS will also focus on promoting policies for women, highlighting the importance of international coordination to implement programs that support women's economic autonomy.
Sport, tourism and culture, as important vectors of human, social and economic development, will be present in strengthening cooperation and cultural exchanges between BRICS countries. Sports competitions, as cultural practices, contribute significantly to the promotion of peace, sustainable development and inclusive growth. Tourism, in turn, is widely recognized as a pillar of the global economy, contributing significantly to economic growth and job creation. Finally, cultural and creative industries are drivers of economic growth and social inclusion, playing a strategic role in fostering innovation, in creating qualified jobs and in sustainable development.
The Social Pillar - People-to-People (P2P)
People-to-People (P2P) cooperation strives to strengthen social and cultural connections between BRICS member countries, promoting inclusion, dialogue and mutual understanding. This initiative brings together strategic forums and councils: the Youth Council, the Parliamentary Forum, the Association of BRICS Cities and Municipalities, the Business Council, the Women's Business Alliance, the Think Tank Council, the Academic Forum and the Civil Forum. Its objectives are based on the alignment of priorities and the integration of civil society contributions to the policies discussed by BRICS, reinforcing the group's commitment to sustainable development and cooperation among peoples.
The events and activities to be developed in the various forums and councils of the People-to-People pillar will be published on the Brazilian BRICS presidency’s official website to facilitate civil society engagement.
Reinforcing the role of BRICS in building inclusive global governance, P2P cooperation values the diversity and social contributions of its members. By leading this agenda, the Brazilian presidency reaffirms its commitment to cooperation in the Global South, promoting preparatory meetings, dialogue platforms, and concrete actions that consolidate the participation of all in building joint solutions to global challenges.