The social pillar of BRICS, called “People-to-People” (P2P), strengthens cooperation among member countries through civil society and other non-governmental actors.

Within the BRICS framework, the social pillar, known as “People-to-People” (P2P), serves as a platform to strengthen cooperation between member countries and civil society, including non-governmental actors from diverse sectors.

During its Rotating Presidency of BRICS in 2025, the Brazilian government is committed to enhancing the integration of the social pillar with the bloc’s other two pillars: the political and security pillar and the economic and financial pillar.

The aim is for the social pillar, through its various councils, forums, mechanisms, and meetings, to contribute proposals to BRICS negotiators in the priority areas of Brazil’s presidency. In this context, P2P initiatives are expected to have a greater impact and be more strongly reflected in BRICS decisions.


Discover some of the Brazilian actors in the P2P pillar:

BRICS Youth Council

BRICS Business Council

BRICS Think Tanks Council (BTTC)

BRICS Think Tank Network for Finance

BRICS Civil Council

BRICS Civil Forum

BRICS Trade Unions Forum

BRICS Academic Forum

BRICS Business Forum

BRICS Parliamentary Forum

BRICS Business Women Alliance (WBA)

BRICS Association of Municipalities

BRICS Heads of Supreme Audit Institutions Meeting